Manders Paintings
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Just For Fun
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International Collectors' Gallery
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susan manders
United States Olympic Artist
Just For Fun
No. 002 - "Cruisin" - 48 x 48 inches
No. 458 - "Alice" - 36 x 48 inches
No. 569 - "Three's Company" - 48 x 48 inches
No. 857 - "Flying Solo" - 36 x 48 inches
No. 932 - "This One's Really Cool"
- 48 x 60 inches
No. 1044 - "Frankie & Johnny" - 36 x 36 inches
No. 1058 - "Lady in Sunflowers"
- 36 x 48 inches
No. 018 - "Puttin On The Dog" - 64 x 48 inches
No. 498 - "Tug-of-War" - 40 x 30 inches
No. 621 - "Women!" - 48 x 48 inches
No. 875 - "Together" - 48 x 60 inches
No. 1023 - "Bored In A Blue Hat" - 12 x 12 inches
No. 1045 - "Wow, Its Good To Be Queen"
- 60 x 48 inches
No. 1064 - "Love in Paradise"
- 48 x 48 inches
No. 055 - "Doll Doctor" - 48 x 48 inches
No. 558 - "I Beg Your Pardon" - 40 x 30 inches
No. 851 - "Morticia" - 24 x 30 inches
No. 895 - "Coming Out"
- 36 x 48 inches
No. 1031 - "Heart, Doves & You" - 36 x 48 inches
No. 1077 - "Hi Sailor" - 24 x 36 inches